My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is an animated series based on Hasbros popular My Little. My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is a childrens animated fantasy television series developed by Lauren Faust for Hasbro. The series is based on Hasbros My Little. My Little Pony Equestria Girls Legend of Everfree 2016. Watch, Stream Full HD Movies Online For Free, latest movies without Registration or Downloads at MoMoMesh. TV. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Series current logo used from season seven onward. Series original logo used from seasons one through six. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic like their G3 predecessors, followed by Pony Wedding, Crystal Empire, Crystal Princess Celebration, Rainbow Power, Cutie Mark Magic, and Explore Equestria. Characters. See also list of characters. Ponies. Main article Ponies. The series has a main cast of six ponies and a large number of supporting and background characters. As ponies mature they gain cutie marks on their flanks, which represent their purpose or calling in life. Pony kinds. There are three main types of ponies. Buy Cars Movie Online there. Earth ponies regular ponies. The founders of Ponyville were among this race. They are closer to nature than other ponies and frequently tend to crops and perform manual labor. They have no wings or horns. Pegasi or Pegasus ponies ponies with wings who can fly and walk on clouds. They frequently tend to the weather. Unicorns ponies that have horns and possess more pronounced magical abilities, represented by a glow around their horn when used. Many use telekinesis, but some use other kinds of magic as well. Outside of the three kinds, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Heart possess Pegasus wings, a unicorn horn, and, depending on the depiction, Earth pony magic. They are called Alicorns in the show. Both Celestia and Luna possess extraordinary magical power, allowing them to raise the sun and the moon. Cadance has the power of love which, according to Twilight, allows her to spread love wherever she goes and can quell the fighting in two ponies hearts. Twilight has the ability to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. Flurry Heart is a naturally born Alicorn. Age and sex. The shows ponies may be grouped by age and sex into colts younger males, fillies younger females, mares older females, and stallions older males. A ponys sex can be ascertained by the shape and size of their muzzle stallions muzzles are angular, squared off and larger, while mares muzzles have a more rounded appearance and are much smaller than a stallions. However, this is not the case with some Alicorns. Stallions also have bigger and sometimes bulkier bodies than mares. Another way to determine a ponys sex is by their eyelashes and that mares hooves are the same color as their coat, while some stallions hooves are coatless, like Big Mc. Intoshs, Shining Armors, or Prince Bluebloods. Mares and fillies have eyelashes, while stallions and colts dont. However, baby ponies have eyelashes, with males having a single eyelash, and females having two. In Lauren Fausts head,1. S1 pony character2. In previous My Little Pony generations, all young ponies were often called baby ponies, while in Friendship is Magic young ponies and baby ponies are differentiated. Young ponies are simply called fillies or young ponies, and are grouped with baby ponies under foals. The ages of the main pony characters have been left imprecise by the shows developer, Lauren Faust. Faust said that she thinks of the six pony main characters as anywhere from 1. Main characters. From left to right Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike and Applejack. Twilight Sparkle The main protagonist. An Alicorn originally unicorn pony with a light violet body and an indigo mane and tail with pink and purple streaks. She studies extensively and has exceptional magical ability. She is now one of the princesses of Equestria. Her spirit represents the element of magic. Applejack An athletic and strong Earth pony with an orange body and blonde mane and tail. She is down to Earth and dependable, always willing to help anyone in any matter. Applejack comes from a large family of ponies with apple related names who manage farms, apple orchards and businesses, etc. She wears a brown stetson hat. Her spirit represents the element of honesty. Rainbow Dash An athletic Pegasus pony with a sky blue body and a multicolored mane and tail. Very brave and bold, she can also be mischievous and proud. She has the ability of speed and clearing the sky of clouds. Her spirit represents the element of loyalty. Pinkie Pie An Earth pony with a pink body and magenta mane and tail. She has a funny demeanor, is very talkative, and a bit air headed. She also enjoys singing and playing pranks. Her spirit represents the element of laughter. Fluttershy A Pegasus pony with a yellow body and a pink mane and tail. She is very shy and quiet around others most of the time but has a great love for animals and caring for them. Her spirit represents the element of kindness. Rarity A unicorn pony with a white body and a purple mane and tail. She is very stylish and interested in fashion. Although sometimes desiring to be the center of attention, she is always there to help her friends. Her spirit represents the element of generosity. Spike A young, purple and green dragon. He is Twilights assistant and good friend. He has an ostensibly secret crush on Rarity. He is hatched by Twilight in a flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. He grows with greed as shown in Secret of My Excess. He prefers hanging out with ponies rather than his own kind. Main antagonists. Every two part episode features a main villain who is usually defeated at the end of part two.