We have told you not to stare at the Sun today. We have told you to use safety glasses. We have tried so very hard, and we are so very tired. MD noted, but this would mostly extend to helping the dog avoid whatever triggers atypical behavior or identifying activities which will reduce its stress. For instance, if your dog becomes fearful and aggressive when approached by strangers at the dog park, dont go to the dog park, Pet. MD wrote. A walk down a quiet trail is a better option. But this is all somewhat beside the point, since the scientific community is very clear there is no link whatsoever between vaccination and autismand the whole ant vaccine movement is deeply rooted in senseless and offensive stigmatization and fear mongering. The idea of subjecting your poor good boy or girl to the risk of preventable illnesses like rabies, which will definitely kill your dog, because of something Jenny Mc. Carthy or discredited scientist Andrew Wakefield said is deeply sad. Theyre good dogs Brent. While a few anecdotes does not a widespread social trend make, its probably best this one gets nipped in the bud. Brooklyn Paper via the Daily Beast.