The 1. 5 Best Transformers Stories Of All Time. There has never been a franchise more designed to sell toys than Transformers. It even began its life simply as a toy line. The comic book that followed was designed to bolster toy sales by creating backstories and spotlighting new characters for that would soon become toys. The cartoon that followed almost never made it into production. That it became a phenomenon leading to a theatrically released animated movie, a dozen shows and video games, five live action movies, and thousands of comic book issues is a great example of the power of good marketing and the devotion of fandom. Over the years, as their names promise, The Transformers changed. Sure, Hasbro and Takara not to mention third party sellers are as devoted as ever to sell toys, but there are incredible stories to match it. The Transformers boast a deep mystical mythology akin to Star Wars and the weighty concepts of war philosophy and moral ambiguities of Star Trek. Also, giant alien robots kick the crap out of each other. These are The 1. 5 Best Transformers Stories Of All Time. The Five Faces of Darkness The TransformersThis five parter was the first time we saw the new characters from the movie again. Its essentially a second movie, and likely one of the best produced. In this story, were introduced to new villains, a cool human character finally in Marissa Fairborn, and a definitive origin to the Transformers race. The origin flashback is sweeping and exciting the writers clearly embraced the sheer alienness of Transformers while adding aspects of Roman history and a slave narrative. They also gave the more metaphysical aspects of the Creation Matrix a more scientific base. Of course, there are still problems that keep Darkness from earning a higher spot on this list. The series was always known more for its action scenes and voice work rather than writing and animation the goal was to have a 2. The fact that there are as many good stories in the series is a testament to the writers. However, there are still plot holessome the size of a Peterbiltand the animation is some of the worst in the series, thanks to AKOM. Otherwise the strength of the writingspecifically the snappy dialogue, and the visual of Ultra Magnus punching a jetand the sense of scope and history allows the story not only to rise above its flaws, but tell a classic story. Also, any scene involving Galvatrons unabashed insanity is a delight. Strategy is for cowards indeed. Space Pirates Marvel UKThe Great War eventually became three pronged Autobots vs. Decepticons vs. the Quintessons an alien species with ties to the history of the Transformers race. While not a physical threat themselves, the Quintessons are clever, manipulative, and boast their own army. Each issue finds both Transformer factions repeatedly fooled, trapped, and under attack. The stakes are raised with every cliffhangerfrom fan favorite Blaster being killed off to the Decepticon base getting razed, and the Matrix being stolen from Rodimus Prime. Desperate, the Autobots and Decepticons join forces. Metroplex saves day, but the moment doesnt feel as pat as the trope often does. The good guys earned a hard win at the last minute, but that isnt the key point of the story. Rather, it shows how great of a threat the Quintessons are, and creates an important moment in Transformers lore Ultra Magnus and Soundwave attempt to talk peace between the Autobots and Decepticons. Watch The Hole Movie Transformers Beginnings Are ScaryBoth characters are the most rational of their respective camps, and while their exchange is brief with a great homage to The Killing Joke, it becomes clear that there can never be peace because both species have committed atrocities against the other. Despite whatever presumed binaries of good and evil, neither side can claim the moral high ground anymore the war will continue because it has to. Its a bleak ending, especially for a comic marketed toward children. The War Within DreamwaveThe War Within marks an interesting point in Transformers history. Cult Horror Movies The Princess And The Frog more. Through more than twenty years of comics and TV shows, audiences were never given a look at the early days of the Great War. There would be flashbacks or references, but this series was the first to explore and explain the era. Changes are made to pre existing story elements to keep from being predictable. Watch The Hole Movie Transformers Beginnings Of IslamThe best change was Don Figueroas redesign of the pre Earth Transformers bodies and vehicle modes. Some story elements dont quite feel right, however. Optimus Primes rewritten origin as the cowardly data analyst Optronix doesnt jive in the space given for the Heros Journey. IDW would give him a more sensible origin as a police captain, but thats another story. Writer Simon Furman also hits the magic reset button hard, creating a plot holetaking back a number of revelations thanks to brain surgery. Why not just kill the prone Megatron instead Though small compared to many of her peers and adversaries, Arcee compensates with speed and aggressive maneuvers, making her one of the most dangerous Autobots around. We have told you not to stare at the Sun today. We have told you to use safety glasses. We have tried so very hard, and we are so very tired. Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces Check out our breaking stories on Hollywood s hottest stars However, given the otherwise strong quality of the series, its excusable. Furmans focus is on character and world building rather than plot in The War Within. He gives us sweeping looks at the crumbling societies on Cybertronthe cultures, the traditions, the historyso that the loss of it in the wars and quakes feels real. The world is meant to full massive and complete, and though not everything was entirely explained, you know thats because there were more stories to tell. Unfortunately, Dreamwaves bankruptcy never allowed for that. Transmutate Beast WarsWeek to week, Beast Wars was either dead serious or blithely campy. This episode falls in the former category. A child like but immensely powerful Transformer, the Transmutate was considered a singular threat. Watch The Boss Baby online streaming full movie in HD for free. Stream The Boss Baby full movie free in good quality without download online. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. When it cant be convinced to join either side, Megatron wants it destroyed Optimus Primal wants it put into stasis. Rampage, the evil cannibal with an unkillable spark, sees the Transmutate as a kindred spirit. Watch The Hole Movie Transformers: Beginnings Atlantic Beach' title='Watch The Hole Movie Transformers: Beginnings Atlantic Beach' />So does Silverbolt, a fuzor with the qualities of both a dog and a bird. The two are the strangest characters on the showand often isolated because of it. The rest of the episode comes down to Rampage and Silverbolt vying for the Transmutates soul. If it survives their own lives would be less lonely. In turn, they could give it the affection and sense of belonging they never had. If this was a lighthearted episode, the Transmutate would survive, Waspinator would be blown apart, and wed all have a good laugh. But rules are rules and this isnt a lighthearted episode. The Transmutate sacrifices itself to save its mentors, leaving the episode on the darkest ending of the series. The episode does what sci fi does at its best it takes a far fetched concept and applies humanity to it through allegory. For kids, its a lesson about acceptance. To those who always felt like an outsider, the script is open enough for anyone to apply their own experiences to it. Matrix Quest Marvel UKAs a confrontation with Unicron looms, Optimus Prime sends out groups of Autobots to find the Creation Matrix which could kill the giant planet eater. Matrix Quest exists out of necessity and couldve easily been phoned in. At worst, it could have been a time killer. Admittedly, in a lot of ways it is, but Simon Furmans scripting makes the story a great deal of fun. While many Transformers stories end up in very dark territory, Matrix Quest is lighter. The different places the Autobots travel to allow f. Furman pay homage to The Maltese Falcon, Moby Dick, Shane, Alien, and Jaws and adds colors to the Transformers universe. Each chapter is mostly self contained and obviously designed with affection for each genre exploredparticularly the hardboiled detective fiction with Furmans favorite character, Nightbeat. In between is the subplot of the warring brother gods Primus and Unicron and how they created the Transformer race, carefully setting the table for the brutal story to come. While Matrix Quest doesnt change the status quo, its tone and mythic revelations would influence Transformers writers for years to come.