PC and Play. Station 3. This is based on a mature rated game for Blood and Gore, Drug References, Heavy. Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, and Violence. Due to the FAQ being really long, it is best to use the CTRLF feature to. Table of Contents to get to the section you want faster. Walkthrough. 1. 0. Day One. 1. 0. 1. Creating a Character. The New Kid in Town. Flower for a Princess. Call the Banners. The Timmy Express. Vulcan Around. 1. Find Jesus. 1. 0. Homeless Problem. Mr. Slaves Package. Hide n Seek. 1. Hot Coffee. Man. Bear. Pig. 1. Mongolian Beef. 1. Big Game Huntin with Jimbo. Rats in the Cellar. Detention Sentence. The Bard. 1. 0. 1. Its Late 1. 0. 1. Alien Abduction. 1. Day Two. 1. 0. 2. Gain New Allies. 1. Nonconformist. 1. Dropping the Kids Off. The Homeless Problem Continued. Big Game Huntin with Jimbo Continued. Magical Songs. 1. The She Ogre. 1. Man. Bear. Pig Continued. Unfriend Al Gore. Defeat Man. Bear. Pig. 1. 0. 2. 1. 1 PTA Problems. Wasted Cache. 1. 0. Nazi Zombie Bounty. Attack the School. Go Back Home. 1. 0. Defeat the Underpants Gnomes. Day Three. 1. 0. 3. Forging Alliances. Phase 1. 1. 0. 3. Recruit the Girls. Pose as Bebes Boyfriend. Unplanned Parenthood. Heading North. 1. O Canada. 1. 0. 3. Big Game Huntin with Jimbo Continued. Beat Up Clyde 1. Betrayal from Within. OO. Creating a Character. OO. After the cut scene you will need to create your character. They will always. Choose your skin tone, hair style with color, and clothes. After the next cut scene you will gain control of your character. OMAIN QUESTO. The New Kid in Town. OO. Head to the closet and open the door to get at the backpack for CASH 0. BASEBALL CARD. Head out of your bedroom to the hallway. NOTE. The following is timed and eventually your dad will come to kick you out of It is not very important to get all the items right away as you Now go to the left and enter the far door to get in to the bathroom. You can. turn the water on if youd like in the shower. Get on the toilet and smash the. SHIT NUGGET, we will need to use this in battle for an achievement later. Under the sink you can grab an OLD SPONGE and a RUSTY PIPE, along with. CASH 0. 1. 0 in the far left drawer. Random items found can be used to sell to. NOTE. So choose whether this play thru is for that time or not. Now head downstairs and go to the right of your dad in the living room. You. will find a drawer with a PIGTAILS WIG. Head to the left to enter the kitchen. CASH 0. 5. 0 and a FORK. Watch Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Across The 2Nd Dimension Free there. To the left of that is. EYE BLACK and a HEALTH POTION SMALL. Also get the CASH 2. Now you will either be told to leave the house by your dad. Now that you are outside, head to the garage 11. Head up the ladder and open the chest here for CASH 1. SURFER WIG. Get back down to street level and go to the right. Butters will. be fighting with a kid dressed as an elf and requests help. Head up to the elf. Butters is now your friend. Now follow Butters to the green house to find Cartman, follow him to the. Head over to the left and get the DAFFODIL. Scott Malkinson is now your friend. Clyde is now your friend. OOPTIONAL QUESTO. Flower for a Princess. OO. Head over to Kenny and give him the flower to complete the quest. You will also. get a friend request. Kenny is now your friend. OOPTIONAL QUEST COMPLETEO. Flower for a Princess Complete. OO. Now talk to Cartman and he will ask for your name. Type anything you want as it. Cartman already has a name picked out for you. When he. asks if the name you chose is correct, select YES twice to get an ACHIEVEMENT. Achievement Unlocked Acceptance. Now you must select your class. You will need to play through some of the game. Jew class for an achievement, so lets start with that. Now head to. the Armory and buy a weapon. Now open your inventory and equip it to start a. You must now fight Clyde in a tutorial battle to learn how to fight. Once you. get the basics down Cartman will ask you to come in to the tent for a cut scene. Butters will come in ringing the alarm as the elves come to attack. Exit the tent and head over to any of the elves to start a battle. When you defeat them make sure to fart on the unconcious body and loot them as. Cartman will teach you how to use items, heal yourself. You. will want to fart on the cat in the upper left corner 2. Achievement Unlocked Animal Cruelty. Take out the other enemies and learn about ranged weapons and different stances. On the third battle you will learn. Once the final battle is over watch another cut scene and Clyde. OMAIN QUEST COMPLETEO. The New Kid in Town Complete. OO. Now head over to the pole with the red horn and activate the FAST TRAVEL. Cartman will ask you to locate three of his best. OMAIN QUESTO. Call the Banners. OO. OOPTIONAL QUESTO. The Timmy Express. OO. You will need to locate 1. Now purchase a stronger weapon, items, or armor if you wish from the shop. Remember not to sell any items to the shop if you are still trying to get the. Kupa Keep Armory. CONSUMABLES. Health Potion Small 1. Restores 4. 0. Health Potion Large 5. Restores 6. 0. Cure Potion 1. Removes negative status effects. Power Potion 2. 0. Restores 1. 0 PP. Revive Potion 3. Revive fallen buddy in battle. Speed Potion 2. 0. Lets you attack a second time. Strength Potion 2. Increases attack and defense. Water Balloon 1. Removes enemies bonuses. WEAPONS. Warriors Blade 2. Weapon damage increases by 2x your armor value lvl 1. Magic Wand 2. 3. Gain 1 PP on Perfect Attack on a burning target lvl 1. Rogues Dagger 2. PP on Perfect Attack on bleeding targets lvl 1. Jewish Staff 2. 3. Sickle Sword of the Faithful 4. Holy 7. Kris Dagger 5. Penetrates 5 enemy armor lvl 2. Lightning Wand 5. Shock 1. 0. On Perfect Attack, weakens targets attack lvl 2.