Also accompanying the expedition, against Pizarros better judgment, are Ursas mistress, Doa Ins Helena Rojo and Aguirres teenage daughter, Flors Cecilia Rivera, in her only film role. Traveling through rapids, one of the four rafts gets caught in an eddy, and the others are unable to help free it. That night, gunfire erupts on the trapped raft in the morning the men on board are found dead, with two missing. Ursa wants the bodies to be brought back to camp for proper burial. Knowing this would slow down the expedition, Aguirre hints to Perucho Daniel Ades to keep the rust off of the cannon. NY5FFKNEqc/VbkX7GRiF7I/AAAAAAAAaN8/9AAvaUIJqNg/s1600/Casanova4.jpg' alt='Son Of Zorn Theater Movie Releases' title='Son Of Zorn Theater Movie Releases' />Son Of Zorn Theater Movie ShowtimesPerucho proceeds to fire the cannon at the raft, destroying it and throwing the bodies into the river. During the night, the remaining rafts are swept away by the rising river. Time has run out for the scouting mission, and Ursa decides to return to Pizarros group. Aguirre leads a mutiny against Ursa, telling the men that untold riches await them ahead, and reminding them that Hernan Cortez won an empire in Mexico by disobeying orders. Ursa attempts to put Aguirre in chains, but he and a soldier loyal to him are shot. Ins cares for Ursa. Aguirre coerces the soldiers to elect the fat, lazy Don de Guzmn as the new leader of the expedition. Aguirre proclaims de Guzmn Emperor of the new country, and declares Philip II dethroned. A farcical trial of Ursa results in his being sentenced to death, but de Guzmn surprises Aguirre by granting Ursa clemency. Aguirre proves to be an oppressive leader, so terrifying that few protest his leadership. Only Ins has the courage to speak out against him. Knowing that some of the soldiers are still loyal to Ursa, Aguirre simply ignores her. The expedition continues on a single, newly built, large raft. An Indian couple approaching peacefully by canoe is captured by the explorers, and when the man expresses confusion when presented with a Bible, Brother Carvajal kills them for blasphemy. De Guzmn dines on the low food supplies while the men starve, and has the expeditions only remaining horse pushed off the raft because it annoys him. Soon afterwards he is found strangled near the rafts outhouse. After de Guzmns death, Aguirre proclaims himself leader. Ursa is then taken ashore and hanged in the jungle. The group attacks an Indian village, where several soldiers are killed by spears and arrows. The distraught Ins walks into the jungle and disappears. On the raft again, the group of slowly starving, feverish men begin disbelieving everything they see, even when shot with arrows. The group stares in disbelief at a wooden ship perched in the highest branches of a tall tree, which Aguirre orders be brought down and refurbished, but Brother Carvajal refuses. In a series of final attacks by unseen assailants, the remaining survivors including Aguirres daughter are killed by arrows. Aguirre alone remains alive on the slowly drifting raft. The raft becomes overrun by monkeys. The crazed Aguirre tells them I, the Wrath of God, will marry my own daughter, and with her I will found the purest dynasty the world has ever seen. Together, we shall rule this entire continent. We shall endure. I am the Wrath of God. ProductioneditThe idea for the film began when Herzog borrowed a book on historical adventurers from a friend. After reading a half page devoted to Lope de Aguirre, the filmmaker became inspired and immediately devised the story. He fabricated most of the plot details and characters, although he did use some historical figures in purely fictitious ways. ScreenplayeditHerzog wrote the screenplay in a frenzy, and completed it in two and a half days. Much of the script was written during a 2. Herzogs football team. His teammates got drunk after winning a game and one of them vomited on several pages of Herzogs manuscript, which he immediately threw out the window. Herzog claims he cannot remember all of the things that he wrote on these pages. The screenplay was shot as written, with some minor differences. Itunes Movies For Ipod Voices Of A Distant Star. In an early scene in which Pizarro instructs Ursa to lead the scouting team down the river, in the script Pizarro mentions that in the course of the expedition Ursa could possibly discover what happened to Francisco de Orellanas expedition, which had vanished without a trace years before see Historical Accuracy section. Later in the screenplay, Aguirre and his men find a boat and the long dead remains of Orellanas soldiers. Further down the river, they discover another ship lodged in some tree tops. In the screenplay, Aguirre and others explore the boat but find no sign of Orellana or his men. Herzog ultimately eliminated any such references to Orellanas expedition from the film. DC Superman Red Son Real Action Heroes 1 6 Scale Figure Medicom Superman. Order by Phone 1 8. Monday Friday 7 0. Saturdays Nov. 1. Dec. 2, 9, and 1. Pacific Time. Client Services 1 8. Fax 1 8. 18 2. E mail csentertainmentearth. Product specifications, prices, ship dates and availability are subject to change without notice.