Login to your Huawei HG8. Find the port forwarding section. Click the Forward Rules link. Click on Port Mapping Configuration. Create a port forward entry or rule. Dont panic if this seems difficult at first, we will walk you each and every step for the Huawei HG8. We think that forwarding a port should be easy. Thats why we created Network Utilities. Our software does everything that you need to forward a port. Get Started Now When you use Network Utilities you get your port forwarded right now Step 1. It is important to setup a static ip address in the device that you are forwarding a port to. This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots. Recommended Our free program will setup a static IP address for you. Download Network Utilities today Or follow our Static IP Address guide to setup a static IP address. Step 2. Lets login to the Huawei HG8. To do this you need to use a web browser because routers use a web interface program. Open up a web browser such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge or any other web browser you want. Locate the Address Bar at the top of the browser page. It looks like this 1. Replace what is in the address bar with your routers IP Address. Sometimes the routers IP address is called the computers default gateway. The Default Huawei HG8. IP Address is 1. Press the Enter key on your keyboard. Bubbles Watch Free Online. If all went well, you should see the box above appear on your screen. This box asks you for your Account and Password. The Default Huawei HG8. Router Account is telecomadmin. The Default Huawei HG8. Router Password is admintelecom. Enter your account and password, and then click the Login button to access the Huawei HG8. Huawei Usernames and Passwords. If your account and password did not work we recommend visiting the Default Huawei Router Passwords page. If you are still unable to login to the Huawei HG8. If this is the case it may be time to consider a router reset. A factory reset like this one reverts all data back to how it was from the factory including the routers accountusername and password. If this is an option check out our How to Reset a Router Password guide. Step 3. After logging into the Huawei HG8. This is how you do it From the Home page, click on the link at the top of the page labeled Forward Rules. At this point, the menu on the left side of the page changes. Click the new option of Port Mapping Configuration in the left menu. Step 4. You are now on the correct page to create a port forward. In order for us to show you exactly how to configure the Huawei HG8. The above IP Address needs to match the Static IP Address you created in Step 1Welcome to our router simulator. It shows you exactly what data to enter in your router based on what choices you picked above. Currently we are showing the ports for XBox Live. Just fill out the boxes in your router like you see them below Thats it, simply click the Apply button when you are finished. Test if Your Ports are Open. Once you have finished forwarding the ports on the Huawei HG8. To test if you have forwarded your ports correctly you can use our Network Utilities tool, which includes a free Open Port Checker. Our Open Port Checker tool is the only one online that has Guaranteed Results. Here are some other guides you may enjoy. Rocky And Bullwinkle Online English© 2017