THE BLACK CAULDRON. Whole Yogi Bear Movie Online. According to the writings of Philosopher Plato dating back to 3. B. C. ,. in a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea. The filmmakers turned to real life linguistics expert Marc Okrand to create an original readable, speakable language for the film. Using a 2. 9 letter alphabet, Okrand made up hundreds of Atlantean words for the actors to speak. To prepare for the production, the filmmakers visited museums to study World War I era clothing and machinery and toured old army installations to look at submarines and tanks. They also traveled 8. New Mexicos Carlsbad Caverns to observe the subterranean trails that would serve as the model for the approach to Atlantis in the film. When creating the look of Atlantis, the filmmakers wanted to avoid the common conception of Greek columns under the sea somewhere, says art director Dave Goetz. Instead, they modeled their Atlantis on the architecture of ancient civilizations in China, South America, and the Middle East.