James Bond 007 Kolekcija March 21, 2012, 420 pm Download AMERICAN PIE Complete 8 Amerika pita Kolekcija April 30, 2012, 914 am Download Zvjezdane staze. Quasimodo falls in love withgood girl, etc., etc., which involves a lot of singing. Yawn. Just. just awful. Not even worth collecting and burning copies of. Its that bad. Overall 21. Reviewed by. Fife 1. Vote 1. 0Of course I dont expect Disney direct to video sequels, with their littlebudgets, to look and feel as spectacular as the originals. In fact, ofallof them that I have seen, I still think Beauty and the Beast Enchanted. Christmas looks the most like a theatrical motion picture, probablybecauseit was not staffed out to any Japanese animation factories though it doeshave some stiff moments that look like they were left to the junioranimators. Being as I am not a Disney collector, I must say my interest is in thecharacters and the story, which plays a little like a long Saturdaymorningcartoon very easy and predictable. I guess they figure that if theresno trip to the movie theater, adults wont have to sit through thesesequelsif they dont want to. But even for someone my age 2. Ialsojust cant get over how sweet Quasimodo can be when Tom Hulce plays him. That in itself is worth a viewing. I also dig Madelaine. Shes not yertypical Disney chick. Cult Horror Movies Medusa here. I even risk saying shes right up there with Belleonthe cool meter. She and Quasimodo have some great scenes. I did miss some of the musical aspects of the first film. But the songOrdinary Miracles has stuck with me pretty good. I think the score justneeded more recorders in it. Thats what I really missed, that 1. And so for all the positives, I have to look past the harsher lines andcolors, some lack of detail though I have to mention the backgrounds werepretty nice, and absence of big budget digital post production. Ivedoneenough animation myself to know how much work went into this little movie,and what counts to me is that the characters are all there, satisfying tosee again. It also fills a little hole left in my heart by the firstmovie. Without giving away what happens it was very sweet, to say theleast.