My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic video gameMy Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is a video game based on the animated television show of the same name, developed by Gameloft for i. OS and Android devices. The game was released on November 8, 2. In the game, the player is asked to help Twilight Sparkle rebuild her home of Ponyville after it fell into the shadow of the villainous Nightmare Moon. To do so, the player uses in game currency and other collected treasures to build homes to bring more ponies to the town, and then create businesses for them to work to generate money. Mini games are used to build the skill level of each pony, qualifying them to work at jobs that can generate more revenue. Though primarily a single player game, players can visit their friends versions of Ponyville, and leave and accept gifts to help their own village. Romance Films Khumba more. The game is guided by a quest and experience system. While Gameloft developed the game towards the shows target audience of young girls, they include nods to the adult fandom of the show. The game was generally well received as a typical city building game with high production values, but was criticized as exemplifying the underlying nature of freemium games, where either the player must spend real money or wait an indefinite period of time to advance the game.